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Bulk activation

Bulk activation allows you to facilitate the registration of multiple agents at once. This is useful when you have a large number of agents to register.

Step 1: Create an activation code in the Enclave Management Console (EMC)

Navigate to Settings > Activation requests in the EMC. Click Create activation code and fill in the necessary information. Fill out the form and click Create. It's useful to create multiple activation codes for different groups of agents so it's easier to identify them in the approval process.

Step 2: Deploy the agent

Deploy the agent to your fleet using your preferred method. You can use the quick start guide to get started. If you are using an MDM solution, we can provide you with necessary scripts to deploy the agent.

Step 3: Activate the agent

Using the activation code you created in the EMC, you can activate the agent using the following command:

enclave auth activate --code <code>

Step 4: Approve the agent

Navigate to Settings > Activation requests in the EMC. You will see a list of activation requests. Click on the request you want to approve and click Approve. The agent will now be registered and you can view the status of the agent in the EMC. Please note that once an agent is approved, it can take up to 10 minutes for the agent the appear active in the EMC.